Audio Engineering Certifications

In the long term, an honest and fair approach to doing business will be the most profitable.
Declarations of Conformity
These declarations of conformity are issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
Bosch plays a pioneering role in climate action
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity: stopping it is a task for society as a whole

Since 2020, the Bosch Group with its more than 400 locations worldwide has been climate neutral (scopes 1 and 2). An independent auditing company has officially confirmed this. We now aim to optimize the mix of measures and thus further reduce climate impact. At the same time, we are broadening the focus of our activities to also reduce emissions produced outside Bosch’s direct sphere of influence – for example, at suppliers, in logistics, or when our products are used, known as scope 3. We want to reduce these upstream and downstream emissions by 15 percent in absolute terms by 2030. In 2021, we agreed specific CO₂ reduction targets for the product use phase with our divisions. And when selecting our suppliers, we also factor in their climate action activities as a criterion for awarding contracts.